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Here you can find the latest in articles and videos on a range of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion topics.
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- 3 Ways to Get Internal Support for Aboriginal Employment and the 1 Way That Works
- ‘I have never stopped’: Aileen Moreton-Robinson on 20 years of Talkin’ Up to the White Woman
- ‘Get in the bin’: PM under fire for National Apology remarks
- There have never been just black people in Australia
- Addressing deficit reporting is more than just telling positive stories Luke Pearson – IndigenousX
- Blak, Black, Blackfulla: Language is important, but it can be tricky
- Have I lost it or is this menopause?
- Podcast (with transcript) – The economic impact of ageism
- Why are top jobs in Australia still snowy white peaks? (Paywall)
- article: Barriers to finding a job when you are over 50
and the related report: Breaking the age barrier, Unlocking the experience of older Australians in the workplace - Leaning In – At Last, by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
- VIDEO : accessibility is a human right.
VIDEO: Negotiating the barriers to employment for people with disability
- Paralympian and disability advocate Dylan Alcott named 2022 Australian of the Year
- Phone App: Right Hear, App for Visually Impaired & Blind People
- Barriers to Finding Disability Leaders
- DISMISSED: Neurodiverse Students’ Struggle To Access Education
- PDF Download – Disability in the new workplace: What companies need to know and do
- Enabling Change Getting to Equal 2020: Disability Inclusion – PDF File
- The benefits of a neurodiverse tech team in the workplace
- Alternate workspaces in Geraldton schools have positive impact on students with autism
- Australian Network on Disability: Between 12-2pm every day the entire organisation will go into #Quitezone
- Autism is my Superpower
- New communication toolkit to promote disability employment to small to medium enterprises – Tooklit
- Video series: 14 Bass Coast residents with disabilities discussing their experiences
- Building diversity from adversity
- Getting To Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage
- Imposter Syndrome Stereotype Threat and Disabilities
- My Dyslexic evolution from struggles to strengths
- My Dyslexic evolution Part 2
- Not all disabilities are visible
- Don’t drink? Have a disability? What to do when you’re left out at workplace events
- The Case for Improving Work for People With Disabilities
- What can make the world of work wonderful?
- Change your reactions
- Ellen Meets a Wonderful Kid Inventor
- Knox Disability Board Caitlin Syer
- Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial 2019: We All Win (Extended Version)
- Mobility scooters
101 cases of how Charters of Human Rights make our lives better
- Eight Simple Diversity Data Exercises
- Fresh Fundamentals: Embedding DEI from Day 1
- Optimising inclusion and diversity in the public sector: an evidence-based approach
- Recruiting for Diversity: What we heard in Melbourne’s west – PDF download
- Dear Leaders, do you have “Critical Unease” about your workplace culture?
- This Ghanaian researcher is championing inclusive workspaces in Australia
- Navigating the world of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
- Does working as a D&I professional carry a hidden cost?
- How To Tell If Your Workplace Is Committed To Inclusion Or Simply Practicing ‘Woke Washing’
- Smoke and Mirrors: The state of diversity, inclusion and belonging in Australian workplaces – by indeed
- Interactive web resource: Inclusive Leadership
- 12 Steps to Diversity Recovery – By Susan MccuistionDo you have a strong business case for D&I? 40 sources that will definitely help
- Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable and That’s Why They Perform Better
- Fixing the Flawed Approach to Diversity
- Getting over your fear of talking about diversity
- How to Be an Inclusive Leader Through a Crisis
- Leaders Aren’t Great At Judging How Diverse They Are
- Leveraging diversity for business success
- Microsoft Global Diversity & Inclusion Report 2020
- Navigating Inclusion as a Leader: Lessons from the Inclusive Leadership Compass
- Study finds half of university students want to drop out
- The Diversity and Inclusion Revolution
- The Trouble with Inclusion – Peter Slatin
- Why It Is Essential to Understand Brain Diversity in the Workplace – Sharm Siva
- Why We’re Failing at Diversity if We Don’t Include Diverse Viewpoints
- Are Your Diversity Efforts Othering Underrepresented Groups?
Diverse Musical Instrument Detection Using Machine-Learning Models
- documentary film trailer: VANISHING WOMEN: Why Senior Women of Colour are Fleeing the Corporate World.
- Quiet Quitting Isn’t Really A Thing Among Black Workers
- Racism. It Stops With Me – Ask yourself the hard questions
- Most women of colour ‘hide’ their heritage due to UK workplace racism
- Standing With The Jewish Community Against Antisemitism
- Would we be better off without the acronym CALD?
- Why ‘culturally and linguistically diverse’ has had its day
- The ‘Culturally and Linguistically Diverse’ (CALD) label: A critique using African migrants as exemplar
- Are you missing out on your Anti-racism efforts?
- Anti-Racism: Why Your DEI Agenda Will Never Be A Success Without It
- What is racial invisibility, and how do white people benefit from it?
- Recruiting for Diversity: What we heard in Melbourne’s west – PDF download
Towards Consistent National Data Collection and Reporting on Cultural, Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity - Why are top jobs in Australia still snowy white peaks? (Paywall)
- If We Don’t Count It… It Doesn’t Count – Report by Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils Australia
- A woman of color cannot save your workplace culture
- interactive website Australian High School Anti-Racism Toolkit
- United States of Love over Hate – A Ramadan Supper Series – PDF
- Florida Student Banned From Talking About Being Gay Talks About Curly Hair in Graduation Speech Instead
- Staff at UK Equalities Watchdog ‘Quitting Over Transphobia’
- ‘I’m neither man nor woman, but I must pretend’ Yves Rees
- “Happy TRANS Awareness Week” – Michelle Sheppard
- Let’s end forced surgeries on intersex people
- Pronouns: Compulsion and Controversy – by the Legal Feminist
- We can’t show what we can do until we can show up as who we are – A Trans and Non-Binary perspective.
Visit Indeed – Empathy at work
WGEA Scorecard 2022: The state of gender equality in Australia
- Victoria shows power of mandatory workplace gender equality auditing with first figures released
- Baseline report – 2021 workplace gender audit data analysis
- Speaking Up About Menopause At Work
- documentary film trailer: VANISHING WOMEN: Why Senior Women of Colour are Fleeing the Corporate World.
- Most women of colour ‘hide’ their heritage due to UK workplace racism
- Spain set to approve monthly menstrual leave
- Pay Gap Reports:
PDF Download Gender -Cultural Diversity Pay Gap Report.
Article: Disability Pay Gaps - Why it’s time to talk about menopause at work
- Stop the silent career killer, managing menopause at work
- To advance equality for women, use the evidence
- PDF download: Beyond lip service:tracking the impact of the gender diversity gap
- Companies with gender-diverse senior leadership teams get higher profit margins
- Why young women aren’t smiling for you any more
- You can’t hide from the numbers: Australian women earn less than men in any job
- Have I lost it or is this menopause?
- Half of men in corporate Australia are fatigued by gender equality(Paywall) The Related research
- Is a new era in public sector gender equality upon us? Sue Williamson
- A woman of color cannot save your workplace culture
- Report Chief Executive Wwomen’s Senior Executive Census
- Report The state of women hangs in the balance
- She’s Price(d)less: The economics of the gender pay gap
- Australia’s gender pay gap has widened to 14.2 percent
- LinkedIn: Quietly Powerful has grown past the terrible twos and toddler stage and has turned 5 years old! – Megumi Miki
2024 Annual Diversity Calendar

EEON’S Diversity calendar for Victorian practitioners includes significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dates, religious dates of significance, cultural dates and important special dates.
Containing Word and PDF files both with and without shading for ease of reading.
These files are designed for A3 printing.
If you have any concerns downloading the calendar contact our administrator at